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PTE and SPE Students Visits Gazprom Neft in Garmian

Department of Petroleum Engineering and SPE KUST Student chapter organized a one day fieldtrip to Garmian oil field operated by Gazprom Neft, Russia. 30 Students were hosted by Gazprom, Neft. Students were received by Miss. Olga (HR Manager). Basic health and safety induction was done at Hasira head camp. Students were then taken to production site of Sarqala-1 and ongoing drilling location. At production Site, Students were received by production engineers and operators. They were introduced with the x-mas tree, sand control, separators, storages and Dcs operations. At Drilling site, Students were introduced with all the basic components of rig. They observed various rig operations. Students went under the supervision of Dr. Hiwa Sidiq, Dr. Hamid Zadeh and Mr. Muhammad Ali.

On the behalf of petroleum engineering department, we would like to appreciate the cooperation of Gazprom Neft for hosting us. We acknowledge Miss. Olga ‘s effort for making this field trip successful. We are really thankful to production engineers, drilling engineers, health and safety engineers, Safety and security personals, warehouse managers for their time and efforts for transferring there knowledge to young engineers.