Oil Well Delivery Process Workshop
On Thursday, October 18, 2018, the Society of Petroleum Engineers, KUST Student Chapter with the cooperation of Petroleum Engineering Department of Komar University of Science and Technology has hosted a workshop on “Oil Well Delivery Process” for faculties and students of the petroleum engineering. Mr. Rebeen Qader, a senior drilling engineer from TAQA Drilling Company conducted the workshop. The workshop was attend by SPE Koya Student Chapter, SPE Kirkuk Section and by many engineers working in oil industry in Kurdistan Region.
The workshop helps the PTE students to learn more about the industry and start their careers after graduation. Students will also get a realistic expectation of what they will be doing as drilling engineers. This workshop, similar to others in the past, emphasizes on fusion of academia with industry. At the end of the workshop, the speakers were awarded “Appreciation Certificate’ by Komar Research Center